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Welcome to Spring, hoping for more warm long days! I am now taking wait list applications for Music Classes at your Pre-school/Elementary School/Center or special setting for music classes during the 2024-2025 school year

My experience comes from more than 38 years as an elementary music educator.  This year, I have been teaching young children at The Stratham Circle Learning Center, The Harris Center, The Exeter Day School, Little Otters Home School Program, the Seabrook Elementary School first graders and Riverwoods in Exeter.

I believe in a multi-faceted approach, recognizing each child as a unique individual. My teaching fosters play, supports social emotional learning, and helps children with language and physical development. My classes engage children in many types of music learning using quality, developmentally appropriate activities, instruments, and props.

I have trained in many music learning methodologies. They all have something to offer. I believe that a combination of integrated activities that are age appropriate, promote social emotional learning, are child and play centered, engaging and fun are all important considerations when planning lessons!  While performing is not the objective of these classes, sharing what we learn at a special event is possible and will boost community spirit and confidence in the children. My goal is for all children to have a positive experience with music learning, creating a lifelong love of music

Stream for free on YouTube, Apple, Spotify. Follow the link or scan the QR Code above.

Circle Round to Joy with Ziggity Zag Music

Available for Libraries and Special Events!

A 45-min interactive concert for young children and families.

Circle Round to Joy
Sing, Move and Play; Musical Fun
with Pam Felber, Ziggity Zag Music LLC!

A 45-minute fun, interactive and engaging show for the whole family that builds community by singing, moving, and playing instruments together.  Pam is a long time NH music educator with experience teaching infants-age 12 for the last 38+ years. She released her first album Circle Round to Joy in January 2024. The 11 catchy, fun, and singable songs help children deal with everyday challenges, big and small, promoting social emotional learning (SEL) among young children.

This show is great for any time of year and most appropriate for children ages 0-10. At least one adult should plan to attend with child/children.

Cost for 45-minute Library Show:  $250.00 (plus mileage if more than 20 miles mile).

Number of attendees only limited by space.

Pam Felber, Ziggity Zag Music LLC provides all the instruments, music, props, and sound equipment (if needed). She is a State of NH licensed music educator and carries her own insurance. Videos and references available upon request. 

Contact Pam at